Tangible Reminders

Valentine’s Day might have passed, but it is so important that we continue celebrating the love in our lives every day. On Sunday during the children’s message, we talked about how God created love, shows us love, and is love. It sounds like such a simple idea but how often do we absorb that truth?

For me, my dog Hugo is a tangible reminder of God’s love. Hugo waits by the door with excitement when I come home, always wants to go on walks and adventures with me, and loves me even though I had to put him on a diet. Some other things that remind me of God’s love are flowers, both in a vase in my house and growing along the road, deep belly-laughs with good friends, a good cup of coffee, the smell outside right before and right after it rains, and my fiancé Sam (of course, I can’t forget Sam!).

God not only created love, but God is love.
— Student Minister JJ

Today I want to encourage you to meditate on the ways that God creates love, shows love, and is love in your life. We’ve attached the coloring page I made for the children’s message and I hope that you’ll print it out and spend some time coloring or writing in things that remind you of God’s love. Who are the people and animals and what are the foods and activities that bring you closer to our Savior? God not only created love, but God is love. What a wonderful gift it is that we can rest in that message.

P.S. If you’d like a prayer to reflect on while you color, pray this:

God, you are the God of love, of sustenance, of hope. Thank you for not only displaying love to us, but sharing it with us so that we might fellowship in the wonderful things you have provided. May we never take the taste of chocolate, the smell of salt water, or the feeling of puppy cuddles for granted. Amen.


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