Something Beautiful

Spring is in the air- we can feel the weather shift. We can see the hopeful blooms. Change is on the horizon.

With that change comes good- and bad. Lent is approaching, Christ will Rise. In my personal life I continue planning a wedding, July cannot come soon enough! Ordination and graduation are right on the horizon…so is the job hunt. It is a month in which we celebrate women in ministry and women preaching! I feel uplifted by my peers, I feel my call being validated! I see children hurting in the news. Abroad and at home. Today, this month, this year feels confusing and challenging.

Something is shifting in the air, and I’m not sure I’m ready for it.

I am ready for ashes. I am ready to bury my fear and my doubt. To repent of my sins. I am ready for Christ to rise. For Christ to come again.

But first, Christ must die. Winter must run its course. We live in this world with its beautiful creation and destructive sin. We long for heaven as we long for the warm promise of spring- something beautiful is coming.


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Tangible Reminders