So Much Can Happen In A Year

On New Year’s Day in 2019 I posted a picture to my social media with a (long) caption that read:

I don’t know about you, but New Years tends to bring a little bit of anxiety for me. So much can happen in a year. And a lot did happen in 2018. My dad was diagnosed with cancer, God led me to a greater understanding of my calling, I was surrounded by some of the best people, I cried a lot, I spent a lot of time with my dog, I drank a lot of coffee. And I know a lot is going to happen in 2019. I think it’s hard because I put a lot of pressure on myself to make each year the best. But that’s completely out of my control. God holds my 2019. God holds your 2019. And isn’t that the most peaceful and reassuring thought to begin the new year?

I told you the caption was long. But even now, three years later, I believe the heart behind the caption still rings true. God cares about us and holds our year as the One who is outside of time.

As the first month of this new year draws to a close I have to admit, I’ve never been one to make New Year’s resolutions. Instead I usually use this time of year to reflect on what the past year held and what I hope will happen in the coming year. Because, like I said in my caption, a lot can happen in a year.

In 2021, we continued to endure a pandemic, I got engaged to the love of my life, I decided to move to Chicago, I spent a lot of time with my dog and drank a lot of coffee, and I got connected to the beautiful community at Millbrook. There were a lot of hard moments, even more beautiful moments, and God was present in all of it.

In 2022, I’m planning to graduate, move back to the Midwest, marry my best friend, and still spend a lot of time with my dog and drink lots of coffee. But those are just the certain things that I know. God is going to be present during both the certain and unexpected things, the hard and the beautiful things in the way that God was present in my 2021 and my 2018.

I want to encourage you to take a moment to think through your 2021. How was God present for you? What are you hoping for in 2022? May we use these first few weeks of the year as a beautiful reminder that God is present with us as we continue further into 2022.


New Year Blues

