
It’s a new year, a time that many consider the perfect opportunity for new beginnings. Last January I did exactly that. I got married and set off on the wild adventure of sharing my life with my favorite person. This year was the opposite. I spent New Year’s day celebrating my first anniversary, but I did not start anything new or make any resolutions. New Year’s resolutions have never been my thing.

I have, however, resolved to make changes at various points in my life. I have decided to exercise more and eat healthier, only to give it up a few days later. I have resolved not to procrastinate or stay up too late. Those resolutions never worked either. For the first couple years of divinity school, I firmly told myself each semester that I was going to get started on my work earlier the following semester. Yet, every semester I procrastinated and fell behind in my work. Every semester I told myself I would do better next time, only to procrastinate and fall behind once again.

By the time I started my third year of divinity school, I had given up hope of changing my habits. I am currently in the midst of a very intense week of class. We are going through three class sessions worth of material each day, so there isn’t time to catch up if you fall behind. I have had the syllabus for this class since early December, so I have had time to work ahead. But did I work ahead? No! I am already behind and the semester just started.

So if we resolve to do anything, let us resolve to lean into the one who changes us for eternity. Let this be another year of allowing Jesus to conform you to his image...
— Student Minister Sam

In the midst of a very challenging week, I have relearned and reflected on some profound truths. The class I am taking is about the apostle Paul, which means the class is really about Jesus, because Paul dedicated every facet of his life to Jesus. Jesus changed Paul’s life in a dramatic fashion. Jesus has also changed my life. I lack the ability to change myself. I cannot even stop procrastinating, much less correct my sinful nature. But Jesus has the power to change my life and he has done so.

By the end of January, most New Year’s resolutions will be a thing of the past. And there is nothing wrong with that! The change we really need to make is what Jesus does for us. So if we resolve to do anything, let us resolve to lean into the one who changes us for eternity. Let this be another year of allowing Jesus to conform you to his image, because that is the most magnificent transformation possible.


So Much Can Happen In A Year


Courage to Hope