The Miracle of Change

As I begin my last final paper for Duke, it is beginning to feel real that things are changing. My time as a divinity school student is coming to an end.

I think that it is beautiful that school ends around the same time as Easter. During Easter we celebrate a new life, a new chapter, a new beginning through Christ. In a way, graduating divinity school feels the same way.

Many of my friends are avoiding thinking about this new beginning, about change. Many of us are that way, we fear change. We feel sentimental for the time we are in, knowing that it soon will pass. And it will pass.

As we begin anew, I hope that we remember that our God is a creator. New beauty will appear in our lives every day. That is a miracle to be celebrated rather than feared. The Spirit will continue to move us through this next chapter, and the next, until our final page ends.

Enjoy the changing season, the new beginning, the promise of a new day with Christ.

Now, back to finals.


Holy Week And Us