The Bible is Like a GPS…Let Me Explain

The Bible is like a GPS. Ok, let me explain…

My Mom isn’t the best driver. Well, what I mean by that is, she isn't the best at directions. We've lived in Raleigh my whole life, and yet she still uses the GPS to get to most places. When my Mom uses the GPS, we know we're gonna get to where we're going. That doesn't mean we're going to get there at the preferred “Estimated Time of Arrival,” but we're going to get there.

If you think about it, that's kind of what the Bible is for us.

We want to get to God. That's the destination. So, we use the Bible to help us navigate where to go. The Bible provides us with all the things God needs from us, and how to follow God. Even when we make a wrong turn, the Bible can reroute us back onto the road. Our job is just learning how to interpret the Bible.

My brother, Carter, is the BEST at working the GPS. When my mom is confused about how soon a 0.1 mile turn is coming up, Carter can usually help her out. Maybe pastors, preachers and youth leaders are the Carters for the Bible! If you're confused, or need some extra guidance, they will be there to help. And just like Carter, sometimes they won't have an answer, and you'll just have to trust in God. Which is much harder than trusting in a GPS.

I am happy to be in middle school even though it makes my mom a little sad that I am a 6th grader. I feel like I am getting older and about to have more opportunities. My church community helps me grow and this helps me feel strong going into a new school and making new friends. I get to walk to new places and learn new things. Everywhere I go I am thankful for the love and support from my church family.
— Carter Johnston

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