Timeline of Noteworthy Events

Millbrook Baptists have a long history of ministry in Raleigh. Below are a few dates we’ve made a point to remember.


Church was organized and a building built on land donated by Elias K. Chappell and located on the corner of Falls of Neuse and Spring Forest Roads. Church named Midway Baptist Church.


Church moved to Millbrook community and meetings were held in Millbrook School.

Early 1920s

The church moves to a rotational model for deacons and begins appointing women for the role.

April 27, 1924

First services held in new sanctuary erected on one acre of land obtained from J. B. Green. Rev. K. E. Bryan was pastor. Name of church changed to Millbrook Baptist Church.


Rev. J. S. Farmer’s fourteen-year pastorate began, during which time Sunday School rooms were added to the building.


Dr. J. Allen Easley became pastor of the church.


Rev. Edwin R. Andrews assumed the pastorate. Worship services were increased from twice monthly to every Sunday.

August 3, 1948

Rev. Robert L. Newton began his ministry. Classrooms, kitchen and bathrooms were added to rear of building. Additional land purchased.


Parsonage erected on property donated by Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Billings.

March 1958

Rev. Ray K. Hodge became minister. Served for two years during which time a baptistry was built.

September 1960

Rev. Jack L. Bullard became pastor. Served for over seven years.

October 15, 1961

Educational building dedicated. Cost: $125,000.

June 26, 1963

Church Minutes: “Motion was made and carried that the Millbrook Baptist Church adopt the policy that if any person of any race should come to our church for worship, that he be ushered in and seated.”


Sanctuary was renovated.


Kindergarten was organized.

August 1968

Dr. William H. Puckett, Jr. began his ministry.

September 1969

Dr. M. Wayne Brown became the church’s first full-time Associate Minister.

May 1971

Building Committee selected for new building. Benjamin B. Taylor chosen as architect.


Educational building received air-conditioning.

August 6, 1972

Ground breaking service was held for new worship and education complex.

October 21, 1973

New worship and education complex was dedicated. Approximate cost: $500,000.

February 1991

Dr. Randall Robinson began as senior minister.


Rev. Robert Albritton began as senior minister.


Millbrook Memorial Labyrinth and Garden was constructed.


Ground breaking service for the connector building was held. The connector was finally completed in 2008.

April 1, 2008

Rev. Andrea Dellinger Jones began as senior minister.


Rev. Bob Stillerman served as Associate Pastor.


Molly Shoulta served as a student minister from Duke Divinity School.


The deacons, chaired by Steve Carr, led the church in a revisioning process entitled, “Let’s Have a Conversation….”

Rebecca Hewitt-Newson began as Minister to Family Life.


Rev. Molly Shoulta served as Associate Pastor. Millbrook Baptist ordained her on May 15, 2016.


Rhody Mastin served as a student minister from Duke Divinity School.

Holli Workman-Holmes served as a student minister from Campbell University Divinity School.


Evan Talbert served as Student Minister from Duke Divinity School.

October 2019

Jessica McDougald began as Youth Minister.

March 2020

A global pandemic of Covid-19 forced the closure of Millbrook Baptist and many other churches for an indefinite period of time. The church’s ministers pivoted quickly to work primarily through phone calls, Zoom calls, emails, and online video production. Regular Zoom calls proved especially useful for maintaining contact with the church’s children, and those calls were continued for the duration of the pandemic. By June 2020, the church had a new website to facilitate better online communication.

August 2020-April 2021

Claudia Grainger served Millbrook as a student minister from Duke Divinity School.

May 2020

Millbrook cautiously hosted its first outdoor special event on Pentecost Sunday.

October 2020

On October 4, Millbrook hosted its first socially-distanced outdoor worship service, with a musical contribution by a local bagpiper. The church began alternating each Sunday between outdoor and online worship services.

Millbrook ordained Rev. Evan Talbert to the gospel ministry.

December 2020

Millbrook hosted its first drive-thru live nativity, with nearly 120 cars participating, as well as a drive-in movie night.

Covid-19 vaccines become widely available to senior adults for the first time.

March 2021

Covid-19 vaccines begin to be more widely distributed to all adults.

On Palm Sunday, Millbrook began alternating between indoor and outdoor services.

August 2021-April 2022

Sam Ferrell served Millbrook as a student minister from Duke Divinity School.

November 2021

Covid-19 vaccines begin to be distributed to children 5 and over.

March 2022

Millbrook ordained Rev. Jessica McDougald and Rev. Claudia Grainger to the gospel ministry.

April 2022

Millbrook ordained Rev. J.J. Dickinson and Rev. Sam Ferrell to the gospel ministry.