Frequently Asked Questions

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Will my child be safe at Millbrook?

Safety is of the utmost importance to our ministry team at MBC. We maintain safety and cleanliness standards to ensure that our children can learn and grow in an environment free from fear, abuse, and unnecessary hazards. We strive to keep a low caregiver to child ratio and often in our nursery we have a 1:2 for special attention to our littlest ones.

Who can I go to with questions or concerns?

If you have a question or a concern about anything related to children’s ministries at Millbrook, please feel free to address it directly to our Minister for Family Life and Administration, Jessica McDougald, or ask a volunteer who would be happy to assist you.


What do you teach in Sunday School and Children’s Church?

For our youngest ages, Sunday school is a loving environment where they are invited to explore, play, and begin to become comfortable in their church. In the infant and toddler years, children are given snack, led in songs of faith, and taught a story at an age-appropriate level.

In our K-5th grade Sunday School classes, our teachers offer a lesson using the Shine Curriculum from MennoMedia. The lessons focus on a Bible story and invite the children to worship, learn about spiritual practices of their community, wonder and reflect, create, move, retell, and pray.

Children’s Church follows the lectionary calendar, using the Feasting on the Word curriculum. This allows children to explore the same passage that the adults are hearing about in the worship service and helps them learn the flow of the church year.

How can I get involved?

We are always happy to welcome new volunteers to our Children’s Ministry. We normally bring on new volunteers in the Fall after they have completed an application and been through our yearly training. We also have made it a standard that a volunteer be a regular attendee at Millbrook for 6 months before beginning service with our Children’s program. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Jessica McDougald, our Minister for Family Life and Administration.