Adult Sunday School Classes


Millbrook’s adult Sunday school classes form tight bonds that often become crucial to the Christian experience of their members. Four adult Sunday school classes meet from September through May, which usually includes every Sunday except Labor Day weekend, the two Sundays nearest Christmas, New Year’s Day, and Memorial Day weekend.

The Covenant Class

The Covenant class meets in the second floor room of the Fellowship Hall. They have been studying Marcus Borg’s Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time. The teaching team includes Nancy Brown, Polly Greene, and Nancy Stevens.

The Heritage Class

The Heritage Class meets on the first floor classroom of the Fellowship Hall. They use lectionary-based curriculum published by Smyth and Helwys called Connections. Betty Niswonger teaches this class.

The Kairos Class

Kairos meets across the hall from the choir room and occasionally at a local coffee shop. Class members plan their calendar of study when Sunday school starts back in September and January. Each class participant has the opportunity to facilitate a topic chosen by consensus.