I’m so proud. So proud to be his Mom. So thankful that the angel came to me and shook up my life and my plans all those years ago. Because Jesus really is the one – the Son of the Most High, with a kingdom that never ends.
So hear this from me: You are an incredible gift from God – the God who spoke the whole world into being. And God – the God of space and time, past and future – God has amazing plans for your life.
A Season of Special Services
A Season of Special Services What a wonderful November and December at Millbrook! Thanks to everyone who added to the fullness of the season!!! We wanted to make sure everyone had access to recordings of three very special services at Millbrook that took place in 2024: 1) North Raleigh Interfaith Thanksgiving Service 2) Christmas Cantata […]
Following the Star
The star led them to a humble home in an ordinary part of the city. Inside they found an ordinary couple, with an extraordinary child. All it once it hit them: God’s realm will not look like Rome’s. God will dwell among God’s people, people who live in ordinary places and do ordinary things. And God will come into the world with all the innocence and humility of a child.
Christmas for Everybody and Everything
When I hear today’s text, it makes me eager to listen for the chorus of creation. To find kinship in its myriads of created beings. To praise God in community. To see Christmas beyond the singular lens of humanity.
Make Haste!
And there they find two new parents, each one not too far removed from being terrified themselves. And these mangy shepherds and exhausted parents, gaze at new life. In the birth of a child, they realize that God has given them (and you, and me, and EVERYONE!!!) space to become God’s people.