Takeout Worship, Sunday 9/1
10:00 AM – Noon
Stations: 10:00 am - Noon in the Fellowship Hall
Community Worship: 11:00 am in the Sanctuary
Welcome to the Millbrook Cafe!
This Sunday, September 1, we’ll participate in a new worship experiment! Our doors will open at 10:00 am. We will create a station-centered worship experience where congregants can participate in several meditative and prayerful activities at their own pace.
For those who arrive during the eleven o’clock hour, we will have a brief time of welcome. song, and community prayer in the sanctuary. And then congregants can engage in the activities in a group setting.
For those “on the go,” takeout boxes will be provided for home worship. Just pick out the printed activities that most interest you, fill up your takeout container, and worship at the time that suits you best.
If you would like to participate online, materials can be downloaded here.
Doughnuts, coffee, and café tables will be available for those who wish to visit with one another. Pop in for a few minutes or come and stay for a while!