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MBC Worship

Aug 18 2024


If you have been paying close attention these last five weeks, yes, we have been talking about bread the whole time. But we haven’t been talking about the same kind of bread the whole time. Jesus has been explaining a process. We’ve moved from Jesus talking about the bread of heaven to living bread to flesh and blood.
Love beyond Loaves

Aug 11 2024

Love Beyond Loaves

God gives daily bread, manna, to the Israelites as they wander in the wilderness. Don’t me wrong, this is a remarkable gift. We need our daily bread and our daily watering to exist. And each week, this is a specific petition we offer collectively to our Creator. Give us something, God, that keeps us alive, allows us to move forward.
Sunday Worship Raleigh NC

Aug 4 2024

Charge to New Deacons

Last week, we read of that famous miracle – feeding the multitudes. In the wilderness, short on resources, surrounded by thousands of people, Jesus provides bread in abundance. Jesus is SO efficient, and SO effective in this endeavor, that the crowds want to make him king. Who wouldn’t want a ruler that puts a loaf on every plate and a chicken in every pot?
The Joy of Enough

Jul 28 2024

The Joy of Enough

We’re reading John’s gospel this morning, but somehow, someway, today’s text helps me understand Matthew’s gospel with a new sense of clarity. Matthew’s author reminds us that Jesus hasn’t come to abolish the law or the prophets – that is to abandon the covenant story of the First Testament – but instead, Jesus has come to fulfil the law and prophets (Matthew 5:17).
Spirit Fed. Spirit Led.

Jul 21 2024

Spirit Fed. Spirit Led.

Two weeks ago, Mark’s author painted a picture for us: Twelve disciples, Jesus-followers, each equipped with a makeshift walking stick, and a threadbare tunic, and hand-me-down sandals, glimpsing God’s messy but wonderful kin-dom. Sure, you are bound to get a little sand on your feet when you walk along the shoreline, but with a little grit and determination, you simply shake the dust off your feet.
Millbrook Baptist Church Labyrinth Raleigh NC

Jul 14 2024

What’s Next?

Verse one of Mark’s gospel reads, “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ.” This beginning includes a messenger. Way out in the wilderness, a fiery prophet named John the Baptist preaches a message of repentance, and forgiveness, and ultimately, one of hope. The crowds flock to John. He invites them into baptismal waters. And John tells them, “I am baptizing you with fire, but pretty soon, somebody’s coming who’s gonna baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”