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I believe God is the gardener. The one who knows a thing or two about potential. The one who sees the long game. The one who knows how to offer grace and patience. The one who convinces a stubborn world to love a little harder, to look a little deeper for the inherent value in others. The one who’s gonna break soil, who’s gonna fertilize, who’s gonna actively work to afford every opportunity for the tree to thrive 151915parable about the extension of grace.
Blessed is the One who comes in the name of Lord. May we be ready when They arrive. And may we follow Them.
Devilish Details
Jesus isn’t at all what the world thought he was supposed to be. But don’t you ever doubt for one second that Jesus was, is, and continues to be everything God created him to be.
Don’t Keep Silent
When we’re high up on that mountaintop, we are transfigured by the truth of God. And yet all too often, when we come down the hill, we are curdled, preserved, hardened by the falseness of Caesar.
When Trees Tap-Dance
“No! Absolutely not!” Luke’s author tells us. God is not a finite entity. Therefore, God has no need to operate in a system of checks and balances. God’s restorative actions are not beholden to the predictable and limited possibilities of Caesar’s.
Gone Fishin’
We tend to think this is an ancient fish tale. But the truth is, It’s still plenty relevant in 2025. Because the consumption narrative is alive and well. The lure of the big catch is still irresistible.