Music At Millbrook

Opportunities in Music

This is Christmas

Please consider singing with the Millbrook Sanctuary Choir for our upcoming Christmas cantata, "This is Christmas" composed by Mary McDonald.

We will presenting it during morning worship on Sunday, December 8th. Rehearsals are every other Wednesday at 6:15pm on the following dates: Sept. 18 / Oct. 2, 16, 30 / Nov. 6, 13 / Dec. 4

Come join in on the fun by making a joyful noise this Advent season!

Chancel Choir
Chancel Choir is open to youth through adults and is the primary worship leadership choir each Sunday. A special musical presentation is given during Advent and sometimes in the spring. Rehearsals currently are being held after worship every Sunday.

Instrumental Ensembles
Do you play an instrument? We would love for you to lead us in worship through instrumental music. See the Director of Music! We would be happy to learn of your interest!

Music at Millbrook Baptist Church

The music ministry at Millbrook Baptist is an integral part of our spiritual journey and of our worship. We have a long, rich history of making music a priority in the life of the church and everyone is invited to participate freely.

Whether you play an instrument, participate as part of our congregational singing, sing solos, participate in music leadership as part of our Chancel Choir, we believe that God honors all or our gifts and graces. Through our psalms, hymns and spiritual songs we seek to bring glory to God in worship, in ministry and through our own personal growth and enrichment.

Music at Millbrook Baptist Church

Music at Millbrook Baptist Church

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;
break forth into joyous song and sing praises.
Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre,
with the lyre and the sound of melody.
With trumpets and the sound of the horn
make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord.

Psalm 98:4-6

Music at Millbrook

Our musical “style” might be termed “traditional,” but we throw in surprises, too. We might employ any musical style in praise. Our treats range from spirituals to Pachelbel, Bach to southern Gospel, “contemporary” praise to world music.

Our primary “choir” is the congregation. Any of several choirs may lead in worship, but we believe the whole congregation bears the privilege and responsibility to raise its collective voice to God.

Come sing or ring or play an instrument with us! Experience God’s Spirit moving among us at Millbrook.

Worship services at Millbrook Baptist Church in Raleigh NC