Millbrook Baptist Church Blog

Helping Hand

Jun 30 2024

They Had Names You Know

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
mustard seeds

Jun 16 2024


We hear about mustard seeds, too. Remember this isn’t a scientific parable, so there’s a bit of room for exaggeration. The mustard seed may not be the smallest of all seeds, but it is very tiny, and if it was much smaller, you’d need a microscope to examine it.
A Spirited Future

Jun 9 2024

A Spirited Future

It’s Graduation Sunday, a day when we look back with fondness on the people and the places that have shaped us, and through the eyes of our graduates we exude hope for the world that will be.
sharing food

Jun 2 2024

God. Neighbor. Land.

Imagine you are a poor fisherman, or a day laborer, or just someone who we’d identify as food-insufficient in 2024 – that means you are someone who isn’t 100% sure where your next meal is coming from. And imagine you’ve been walking for days, traversing the hilly countryside of the Golan Heights.

May 19 2024


These coffee grounds can be combined with steaming or dripping water, converted into a tasty bean juice, and shared with the humans with whom they now occupy the same ecosystem. And I’d like to believe that the energy, or the umph, or what John might call the logos/word these coffee grounds create in others will ultimately be transformed into acts of love and service.
From Bethany to Jerusalem

May 12 2024

From Bethany to Jerusalem

I want you to think for a moment about significant events in your life. I’ll share a few of mine: a driver’s license (second try!), high school, college, and seminary graduations, an ordination day, a wedding day, the birth of our three children, the funerals of grandparents, just to name a few.