We’re human. And sometimes what we give, be it our actions, our words, our time, our treasures, are not always received as we intended. But sometimes, we get it right. Sometimes we give in a way such that our praises make everyone, especially the intended receiver, better.
Resurrecting Audacity
The shepherds’ knee-knocking begins at the appearance of the angel of the Lord and intensifies with the angel’s outrageous declaration. But their terror soon turns to joy and elation in seeing a new-born Jesus, swaddled in strips of cloth, laying in a make-shift crib, in the middle of a make-shift nursery, held in the arms of a frightened-but-determined young mother.
Very Good, Indeed
My interest is piqued by the word “very” in this morning’s text, especially when combined with the word “good.” We’ve read the first creation story in Genesis enough times to recognize the import of the phrase very good. God creates each part of creation: land and sky and seas, vegetation, morning and evening lights, heavenly lights, people, critters, swimming things, and everything else that fills up the universe. And then God calls all of it very good.
Carried-Away Church
Mary, and Mary, and Salome rise early in the morning, though morning is a generous term. Is it really morning in those pre-dawn hours where a boggy darkness betrays any conceivable hope for the smallest sliver of sunlight. No, this darkness is heavy, thick even, and it seems in no hurry to dissipate.
Lenten Reflection
When I was growing up, my dad worked for the Baptist Retirement Homes of North Carolina, and at that time, it was an organization whose funding was significantly tied to the generosity of churches throughout our state. As the primary leader of the organization that meant Daddy was also its chief promoter and fundraiser.
Lenten Reflection: Whosoever
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life.
For God so loved the world.
God, the source of all life.